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NetMap as a Service​

Although NetMap contains numerous advanced tools for users to conduct their own analyses, TerrainWorks applies all or most tools for clients (e.g., NetMap as a service) and delivers a full set of analyses and model outputs (including those listed below). Data outputs are easy to understand and apply and are supported by a full set of online documentation to aid in interpretation and decision support. Tools can also be accessed by annual license.  See full tool list. 

NetMap's virtual watershed and synthetic river networks are customizable and retain flexibility to meet your analysis and decision support needs.

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30 Different Types of Powerful Analyses

Channel Hydraulic Geometry          Floodplains          Historical Floodplains

Stream Power/Substrate          Sinuosity          Stream Order

Define Fish Habitat          Habitat Quality          Habitat Diversity 

Channel Classification          Subbasin Classification          Beaver Habitat

Thermal Sensitivity          Shade/Thermal Energy          Wood Recruitment

Thermal Refugia          Delineate Riparian Zones          Landslide Potential

Debris Flow Potential          Gully Potential          Surface Erosion, incl. Pre- & Post Fire

Sediment Delivery          Road Drainage Diversion          Road Stability    

Road Surface Erosion/Delivery          Habitat Length above Roads          Roads in Floodplains  

Wildfire Risk Cascade          Climate Change Vulnerability          Identify Highest Priorities



Forestry          Riparian Management          Slope Stability          Roads/Pipelines

Floodplain Mapping          Erosion/Sediment Budget          Fisheries.Bio-Hotspots 

Watershed Analysis          Restoration          Conservation          Urban Planning

Monitoring          Estuary Mapping          Ecosystem Services          Regulatory

Personalized Hazard Assessments           Risk/Insurance          Education

Research          Wildfire-Pre          Wildfire-Post          Climate Change


Who uses NetMap?


See More details about NetMap as a Service below:

  • A Virtual Watershed that consists of five benchmark features: 1) digital elevation or digital terrain models (of the highest resolution available, 10 m digital elevation models [DEM] or LiDAR, or mixture), 2) routed and attributed synthetic stream layer, 3) landform and process characterization, 4) landscape and land use discretization and 5) connectivity, including river-terrestrial coupling. Read More.
  • A consistent and adjustable synthetic river network (e.g., GIS stream layer). NHD/NHDPlus compatible. Read more.
  • Drainage wings, local contributing areas located on both sides of approximately 100-m long channel segments (with left channel-right channel distinction) to connect terrestrial processes, landforms and land uses directly to stream channels. Read more.
  • Floodplain and flood zone mapping at multiple elevations above the channel; map historical floodplains, terraces and fans with high resolution DEMs. Read more.
  • Identify aquatic habitat distribution, abundance and quality for anadromous and resident species. Includes salmon, resident cutthroat trout and beaver habitats. Read more.
  • Quickly calculate the cumulative fish habitat length and quality upstream (and downstream) of all road crossings. Read more.
  • Predict the thermal in-stream sensitivity to thermal energy. Read more.
  • Evaluate the effects of current stream side vegetation conditions on thermal energy and where additional riparian shade would be the most effective. Combine this with fish habitat quality, use for watershed restoration prioritization. Read more.
  • Estimate the current riparian vegetation controls on in-stream wood recruitment at the watershed scale- useful for restoration planning. Read more.
  • Identify locations of aquatic thermal refugia by combining intrinsic landscape position (latitude, solar angle, topographic shading, stream width and orientation) and current streamside vegetation conditions (height and basal area). Four types, including confluences. Read more.
  • Delineate riparian zones using a combination of floodplain extent (can be limited), wetland areas (optional), in-stream wood recruitment and shading-thermal energy. Read more.
  • Predict locations of heightened risk for slope instability. Read more.
  • Wildfire risk - translate to stream segments to identify overlaps between predicted fire risk and severity and sensitive aquatic habitats, including water quality concerns. Pre-wildfire planning. Read more.
  • Following wildfires, determine where the greatest hazards exist for extreme erosion events and consequent impacts to aquatic, riparian and road systems. Post-wildfire planning. Read more. Wildfire Cascade tool - Read more
  • Estimate the potential for roads, particular forest roads, to alter hillslope drainage patterns, or to concentrate road drainage. Read more.
  • Determine which unpaved roads have the greatest potential to cause road-surface erosion and sediment delivery to streams. Read more.
  • Estimate which road segments may pose the greatest threat to slope stability. Read more.
  • Map several different downscaled climate change forecasts to stream networks to visualize intersections between potential climate change stressors and numerous watershed attributes, including aquatic habitats and wildfire risk. Read more. Climate change vulnerability tool. Read more.
  • NetMap's virtual watersheds coupled to analysis tools support watershed scale restoration planning. See more.
  • NetMap supports conducting watershed analyses. Read more.
  • NetMap is NHD/NHDplus compatible (under development, ready by 9/15). Read more.

     If you do not see a capability that you need or need to modify an exsisting one, we build custom tools. Read more.

See analysis types: