NetMap Specific Articles and Reports
Also, go to our Reading Room and learn about analyses that you can do (or we can do for you)
Beyond Stream Layers: NetMap's Virtual Watersheds, 2014 American Fisheries Society
NetMap: A New Tool in Support of Watershed Science and Resource Management (2007)
Future of Applied Watershed Science at Regional Scales (2009)
Aquatic Habitats
Fire and Fish: Potentially Beneficial Relationships. Flitcroft et al. 2015.
Multiscale Analysis of River Networks using the R Package linbin (using NetMap), Welty et al. 2015 Examples
The Dynamic World of Aquatic Habitat Formation
Are You Using Habitat Intrinsic Potential Modeling, if so, You Should Update (2015)
New NetMap Stream Classification Tool (2015)
Intrinsic Potential Habitat Modeling for Chinook Salmon in the Copper River Watershed, Alaska (2014)
The interactive effects of climate change, riparian management and a nonnative predator on stream-rearing salmon (Lawrence et al. 2014)
Oldman River, Alberta Watershed Assessment (2013)
Erosion/Slope Stability/Sediment Supply/Sedimentation
Modeling Arroyo Erosion, San Franciso Bay Area using NetMap Tools
An overview of TerrainWorks Slope Stability Technology, including the Oso Slide in Washington
Advanced geospatial technology for resource planning and risk mitigation in China
Erosion, Sediment Sources, and Channel Analysis in the Crystal River, Colorado (2013)
Upper Sacramento River Watershed Assessment (2012)
Mad River TMDL Analysis (2011)
Information and Links for the Oso (Hazel) Landslide, Washington
Unique Road Analysis: Getting Credit for What is Already Done and Optimizing Futures (short version, long version)
Clearwater Basin Road Analysis (CFLRP) (2012)
Oldman River, Alberta Watershed Assessment (2013)
Watershed Restoration
Optimizing Restoration Planning, Nehalem Watershed, Coastal Oregon
Creating a Catchment Scale Perspective for Watershed Restoration (2011)
Forthcoming: Watershed Restoration Analysis in Support of Coho Delisting, Oregon Coast Range (2014-2015)
Post wildfire analysis (BAER): Identifying At-Risk Infrastructure and Critical Fisheries
Decision Support System for Assessing Impacts of Fire Management on Threatened and Endangered Species (submitted)
Pre Wildfire Analysis, Upper Sacramento River Watershed (2011)
Post Fire Analysis, Methow Basin, Washington (online tool) (2011)
Wildfire Risk in Relation to Aquatic Habitats, Flathead River, Montana (2014)
Landscape Dynamics - Simulations/Movies
Climate Change
Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change (USFS, 2012)
Climate Change Mapped to Streams, Flathead River Montana (2014)
Riparian Management
Benda et al. 2015. Integrating Wet Areas Mapping with NetMap's Virtual Watershed to Support Spatially Explicit Riparian Zone Delineation and Management in Alberta. Contact us to view report.
Barguin, J. et al. 2015. Delineation and restoration of riparian zones, Spain. Summary Paper. Powerpoint
Ecosystem Services
Barquin et al. 2015. Coupling virtual watersheds with ecosystem services assessment: a 21st century platform to support river research and management. WIREs Water 2015. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1106
Papers using/citing NetMap
Atha, J. B. (2013). Fluvial wood presence and dynamics over a thirty year interval in forested watersheds. PhD, University of Oregon.
Barquin et al. 2015. Barquin et al. 2015. Coupling virtual watersheds with ecosystem services assessment: a 21st century platform to support river research and management. WIREs Water 2015. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1106
Barquín J., F. Martinez-Capel. 2011. Assessment of physical habitat characteristics in Rivers, implications for river ecology and management. Limnetica: 30(2): 159-168.
Benda et al. (2015, in press). Building virtual watersheds: a global opportunity to strengthen resource management and conservation. Environmental Management.
Cai et al. 2014. Advanced geospatial technology for resource planning and risk mitigation in China
Litschert, Benda and Reeves. in prep. Forest management in second growth riparian protection areas: a model of instream wood recruitment for evaluating options.
Bruno, D., O. Belmar, et al. (2014). "Environmental determinants of woody and herbaceous riparian vegetation patterns in a semi-arid mediterranean basin." Hydrobiologia.
Cram, J. M., C. E. Torgersen, et al. (2012). "Tradeoffs between homing and habitat quality for spawning site selection by hatchery-origin Chinook salmon." Environmental Biology of Fishes.
Fernández, D., J. Barquín, et al. (2012). "Quantifying the performance of automated GIS-based geomorphological approaches for riparian zone delineation using digital elevation models." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences16: 3951-3862.
Fernández, D., J. Barquín, et al. (2012). "Delineating riparian zones for entire river networks using geomorphological criteria." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 9: 4045-4071.
Hessburg, P. F., K. M. Reynolds, et al. (2013). "Landscape evaluation for restoration planning on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, USA." Sustainability 5: 805-840.
Lawrence et al. 2014. The interactive effects of climate change, riparian management, and a nonnative predator on stream-rearing salmon. Ecological Applications 24(4): 895-912.
Miller et al. 2015. Creation of a digital flowline network from IfSAR 5 m and LiDAR DEMs (Matanuska-Susitna Basin): A Resource for NHD updates in Alaska.
Reeves, G. H., B. R. Pickard, and K. N. Johnson. (In press) Options for Managing Riparian Ecosystems on Federal Lands in the Area of the Northwest Forest Plan. Pacific Northwest Research Station GTR PNWXXX, PNW Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR.
Welty et al. 2015. Multiscale Analysis of River Networks using the R Package linbin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35(4): 802-809. See also linbin See also examples
Links to Others (websites) using NetMap for Various Applications
Olympic Natural Resource Center
Washington Coast Sustainable Partnership
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Washington Coast Sustainable Salmon Partnership
US Forest Service - Tongass National Forest
-The NetMap System of Community Databases and Shared Analysis Tools
-Climate Change Landscape Vulnerability
-Pre and Post Fire Planning in the Context of Aquatic Systems
-Forest Roads and Minimum Road Analysis
-Riparian Management
-Floodplain Management: Creating a Watershed Scale Context for Restoration Planning
-Estuary Mapping in Southeast Alaska
Other Publications
2013 - 2015
FlitCroft et al. 2015. Wildfire may increase habitat quality for spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River subbasin, WA USA. Journal of Forest Ecology and Management.
Miller et al. 2015. Creation of a digital flowline network from IfSAR 5 m and LiDAR DEMs (Matanuska-Susitna Basin): A Resource for NHD updates in Alaska.
Ji, X. 2014. Potential Risk Assessment of Forest Watershed Ecosystem and Category Hazard Area based on the NetMap Toolset, China. Ph.D. Dissertation, Northeastern Forestry University, Harbin, China.?
Bigelow P., S. Pearce, L. McKee, and A. Gilbreath. 2008. A sediment budget for two reaches of Alameda Creek. Prepared for the Alameda County Flood Control District.
Clarke, S. E., K. M. Burnett and D. J. Miller, 2008. Modeling streams and hydrogeomorphic attributes in Oregon from digital and field data. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44(2): 459-477.
Bigelow P., Benda L., Miller D., Andras K. 2005. Systematically comparing watershed environments across regions for prioritizing restoration and conservation. New currents in conserving freshwater systems, spring symposium. American Museum of Natural History -Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, NYC.
Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2004. Little North Fork Noyo River wood budget, Mendocino County, California. Prepared for Campbell Timberland Management.
Benda, L., D. J. Miller, J. Sias, D. Martin, R. E. Bilby, C. Veldhuisen and T. Dunne, 2003. Wood recruitment processes and wood budgeting. in The Ecology and Management of Wood in World Rivers. S. V. Gregory, K. L. Boyer and A. M. Gurnell. Bethesda, Maryland, American Fisheries Society. 49-73.
Hofmeister, R. J. and Miller, D. 2003. GIS-based modeling of debris-flow initiation, transport, and deposition zones for regional hazard assessments in western Oregon, USA, in Rickenmann & Chen (eds.), Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, Millpress, Rotterdam, p. 1141-1149.
Hofmeister, R. J., Miller, D., Mills, K.A., and Beier, A.E. 2002. GIS Overview Map of Potential Rapidly Moving Landslide Hazards in Western Oregon, Interpretive Map Series IMS-22, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, 1 CD
U. S. Forest Service and Earth Systems Institute. 2002. Landscape Dynamics and Forest Management. Rocky Mountain Station General Technical Report 101-CD, (an educational CD), screenplay and modeling by L. Benda & D. Miller (available here)
2001 and earlier
Bigelow P. and J. Gerstien. 2001. Bolinas Lagoon watershed study input sediment budget (sediment budget sections 3 – 5 only). Prepared by Tetra Tech for the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Earth Systems Institute, 1998. Landscape Controls on Wood Abundance in Streams.
Benda, L., Miller, D., Dunne, T., Agee, J., and Reeves, G. 1998. Dynamic landscape systems, Chap. 12 in: R. Niaman and R. Bilby (eds.) River Ecology and Management: Lessons from the Pacific Coastal Ecoregion, p. 261-288
Miller, D. and Sias, J. 1998. Deciphering large landslides: coupling hydrology, groundwater, and slope stability models through GIS, Hydrologic Processes, 12:923-941
Miller, D.J., 1995. Coupling GIS with physical models to assess deep-seated landslide hazards. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 1: 263-276.