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TerrainWorks Virtual Watersheds and analysis tools are designed 
for government agencies, NGOs, watershed councils,as well as private sector clients. 
Who Uses NetMap?

  • supporting resource use (forestry, fisheries)
  • informing restoration
  • advancing conservation
  • defining environmental liabilities
  • managing risks
  • mapping potential for extreme events

Improve your mapping & analysis with LiDAR Digital Elevation Models

NetMap is designed to specifically address how and where environmental liabilities overlap with important habitats and the built infrastructure in the context of landscape topography, river systems, aquatic habitats, erosion, wildfire, vegetation, and climate (and climate change). Analyses can be conducted at multiple scales ranging from individual stream reaches and hillsides to entire river networks, watersheds, national forests, landscapes, states and regions.

Many applications relevant to risk mitigation, resource use and conservation can be implemented:

Access NetMap as a Service or a NetMap Tools User License