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A Total Daily Maximum Load (TMDL) is a regulatory term used in the context of the US Clean Water Act. It indicates how much of a pollutant (sediment, nutrients, temperature) a water body can receive and still be protected under the Act.

Establishing TMDLs for non point sources of pollution, such as sediment from numerous sources in a watershed (surface erosion, mass wasting, stream bank erosion etc.) is scientifically challenging. It often requires calculating a sediment budget which is difficult, time consuming and expensive. In addition, there may be large errors when estimating a TMDL.

NetMap Digital Landscapes and Tools can be used to help set TMDLs and also to manage pollutants such as sediment, thermal loads (to streams), and even nutrient runoff from roads.

 See how NetMap was used in an analysis of sediment TMDL;

See these NetMap applications in TMDL related watershed issues, see these links:

(1) Slope stability, landslides/debris flows;

(2) Erosion, sediment, water quality;

(3) Thermal (stream temperature);

(4) Roads/pipelines;

(5) Watershed analysis;