TerrainWorks Digital Landscapes, Watershed Assessment Packages and Analysis Tools are Designed for Agencies, Watershed Councils, Private Sector and NGOs
What can NetMap Data be Used For?
- supporting resource use (forestry, fisheries)
- informing restoration
- advancing conservation
- defining environmental liabilities
- managing risks
- mapping potential for extreme events
Economical: Pennies rather than dollars per acre of assessment.
NetMap's Watershed Assessments are designed to specifically address how and where environmental liabilities overlap with important habitats and the built infrastructure in the context of landscape topography, river systems, aquatic habitats, erosion, wildfire, vegetation, and climate (and climate change). Analyses can be conducted at multi scales ranging from individual stream reaches and hillsides to entire river networks, watersheds, national forests, landscapes, states and regions.
Learn about Potential Applications (using Watershed Assessments or Advanced Tools)
- Forestry Management
- Riparian Management
- Conservation
- Restoration
- Slope Stability
- Pre-Wildfire Planning
- Post-Wildfire Planning
- Fisheries/Bio-Hotspots
- Floodplain Mapping
- Watershed Analysis
- Estuary Mapping
- Erosion/Sediment Budgets
- Climate Change Vulnerability
- Monitoring
- Regulatory
- Risk Data/Insurance
- Real Estate Risk Transfer
- Urban Planning
- Research
Substantial Cost Savings
In this era of belt tightening there is an increasing need to provide spatial data for resource management, managing risks, environmental liabilities and conservation for pennies rather than dollars per unit area. Using NetMap’s economical watershed assessments (and analysis tools), users can conduct their own advanced analyses and save significant time and money.
Best Available Science
NetMap's Digital Landscapes and tools are based on published science and technology; review referenced online Technical Help; review cited literature.
See the Complete System with Three User Options.