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Step Wise Guide to apps

Step-Wise Guide to Applications

Step-Wise Guides are relevant to: Forestry, Riparian Management, Grazing, In-stream Restoration, Watershed Restoration, Energy Development, Monitoring, Climate Change, Pre-Wildfire, Post-Wildfire, Conservation, Erosion prediction and Risk Mitigation

Underlines lead to links to specific NetMap tools, access Step Wise Guide to Applications with a Tool-Data Subscription

Aquatic/Riparian Habitats

·         Where is the best fish habitat located for different species (anadromous, resident)?

·         How can I locate areas of concentrated high quality fish habitats, e.g., habitat core areas?

·         Where are my aquatic biological hotspots located?

·         Which channels would support beaver?

·         Where are the channels located with the greatest habitat diversity?

·         Where are the largest and most productive floodplains located in my watershed?

·         Map estuary habitats.

·         Calculate the cumulative length and quality of fish habitat upstream (or downstream) of any point in the river network (including all road crossings).

·         Classify, by subbasins, aquatic or fish habitats across a large watershed or landscape.

·         Where in my watershed are channels with the greatest risk of disturbances (or dynamics)?

·         Identify where the best habitats intersect potential environmental stressors.


Channel Types, Channel Response, Channel Network

·         What are the different channel types in my watershed and which ones are the most sensitive to land use impacts?

·         Which areas of the channel network are most prone to sedimentation and flooding?

·         How many stream orders do I have in my watershed?

·         What is my watershed's drainage density?

·         What different types of channel geometry do I have in my landscape?

·         Which parts of my channel network are most prone to disturbance (floods, sedimentation, landslide impacts), an important consideration in the context of in-stream restoration?

·         What types of information can help with my in-stream monitoring program?

·         What types of information will help with my floodplain restoration activities?  How can I locate floodplains that have been

·         obscured by development?

·         How can NetMap help with in-stream restoration?

·         How can I identify estuaries or portions of them that have been obscured by development and in need of restoration?


Erosion/Slope Stability

·         Which hillsides in my watershed are most prone to landsliding?

·         Which headwater streams are most susceptible to debris flows or gullying?

·         Which fish streams are most susceptible to debris flow impacts?

·         How can I identify large landslides and earthflows?

·         Which areas in my watershed are most at risk from debris flows?

·         Which landslide prone areas are most sensitive to land uses?

·         Which structures are at risk from landsliding and debris flows?

·         What parts of my watershed are most likely to contribute sediment to river channels?

·         Where is the highest surface erosion potential with a high likelihood of sediment delivery to streams and rivers?

·         Classify watershed subbasins by inherent erosion potential?

·         What proportion of landslide potential originates from particular areas of my watershed?



·         Which subbasins across the landscape have the highest road density?

·         Which individual hillsides (approximately 0.1 km2 [24 acres]) have the highest road density?

·         Create a fish-eye view of road density?

·         Which roads have the highest road drainage diversion potential?

·         Which road segments have the highest road surface erosion potential?

·         Which road segments/energy corridors are located on potentially unstable hillsides?

·         Which road segments/energy corridors are most likely to trigger debris flows in steep headwater streams?

·         Which road segments/energy corridors are most susceptible to damage from debris flows?

·         Where do roads/energy corridors intersect floodplains?

·         Where do roads/energy corridors intersect quality aquatic/fish habitat?

·         What is the cumulative habitat length and quality above every road crossing (or below every road crossing)?


Riparian Management

·         Which streams are most sensitive to radiation loading if the riparian vegetation was altered or destroyed?

·         In a snapshot in time (this year), how does variation in riparian conditions across my watershed affect in-stream wood loading?

·         Using forest growth predictions, calculate how in-stream wood loading will vary over time (decades to centuries).

·         What types of in-stream wood jams would I expect, given variation in riparian vegetation?

·         Could predicted fish habitat quality influence the design of riparian management, including buffers?

·         Should I consider erosion potential in the design of riparian management?


Pre Wildfire Planning

·         Where in my watershed is the greatest chance of wildfire? Where is the highest 10% or 1% of fire risk located?

·         Where is the predicted highest fire severity located across the landscape?

·         Where does the highest chance of fire overlap with the highest fire severity? Where are those stressors located?

·         Where does the highest fire severity overlap with the highest chance of post wildfire erosion?

·         Where does the highest fire risk overlap with the highest fire severity, and where does that pair overlap the best aquatic habitats?


Post Wildfire Planning (Burned Area Emergency Response, BAER)

·         Where in my watershed is the highest burn severity located? Top 10%, top 1% etc.

·         Where is the post fire surface erosion potential the most extreme?

·         Where is the post fire landslide and debris flow risk the highest?

·         At what locations does the highest fire severity overlap with the highest erosion potential, and where do those locations overlap with quality aquatic habitats?

·         Where do roads intersect burned areas with the highest erosion potential?

·         Which streams in the burned area have the highest exposure to increased thermal loading because of loss of riparian vegetation?


Climate Change Vulnerability

·         Identify the largest predicted climate change in your watershed for temperature, precipitation, snow accumulation and summer and winter flows.

·         Where do the largest predicted changes in temperature and flow intersect the highest fire risk?

·         Where are the largest changes in summer flow predicted to occur and where does they intersect sensitive and valuable aquatic habitats?

·         Where are the largest changes in winter flow predicted to occur and where do they intersect valuable habitats and infrastructure, such as roads?