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Iberian Peninsula, Channels-Riparian, University of Cantabria, España

The University of Cantabria (Spain) in conjunction with TerrainWorks, is building a smart stream network across the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) using 5 m DEMs, in support of aquatic and riparian management (MARCE). 

See how NetMap's river networks are being used to delineate riparian zones in Spain.

See/download summary paper.

MARCE is is developing a spatial framework for integrated catchment management. The project aim is to improve understanding about the relationship between human impacts (dams, weirs, sewage outflows, embankments) and aquatic and riparian ecosystems through the use of environmental monitoring data gathered to comply with the European Union’s Water Framework Directive (2000) and use of different modelling approaches.

Project objectives include characterizing physical attributes of channel networks within their watersheds, including channel geometry, riparian zones, aquatic habitats and erosion potential