The Coastal Cutthroat Trout Interagency Committee is a collaborative working group consisting of state, federal, provincial, and tribal agencies and coordinated by Dr. Kitty Griswold. Together, we are working to guide the conservation and restoration of Coastal Cutthroat Trout throughout their native range in western North America. In 2013, we embarked on an ambitious project to assess the status of Coastal Cutthroat Trout throughout their geographic distribution. From 2014-2016, we are gathering data and holding assessment workshops in locations from northern California to Alaska.
Upon completion in late 2016, we will have improved information on the distribution, intrinsic potential habitat models, population and habitat health, threats, and conservation actions. This information will improve management and conservation opportunities for this native subspecies of trout. For more information see:
Intrinsic Potential data coverages in the Willamette Valley and Lower Columbia River in Oregon and Washington are provided by NetMap. We are currently exploring the utility of intrinsic potential models to better understand the patterns of distribution throughout the subspecies native range.
The funding for this project is provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Western Native Trout Initiative. Pacific States Fisheries Commission provides GIS support and funds the coordinator.