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Master Attribute List

NetMap Master Attribute List

1.       Drainage Area 

2.       Reach Gradient

3.       Maximum Downstream Gradient

4.       Channel Width

5.       Channel Depth

6.       Reach Elevation

7.       Mean Annual Precipitation

8.       Stream Order (Strahler)

9.       Stream Power

10.   Channel Sinuosity

11.   Floodplain Width

12.   Valley Width Index-IP

13.   Flow Velocity

14.   Bed Shear Stress

15.   Substrate D50

16.   Substrate D50 Classification

17.   Gradient Change Downstream

18.   Upstream Length

19.   Upstream Mean Value

20.   Upstream Summed Value

21.   Upstream Proportion

22.   Downstream Length

23.   Downstream Mean Value

24.   Downstream Summed Value

25.   Mean Annual Flow (CMS)

26.   Bankfull Flow (CMS)

27.   Generic Classification

28.   Rosgen Classification

29.   Channel Confinement

30.   Channel Confinement Classes

31.   Channel - Landslide Interactions

32.   Drainage Density

33.   Tributary Junction Density

34.   Sub-Basin Polygon Area

35.   Local Contributing Area

36.   Tributary Confluence Effects Probability - reaches

37.   Tributary Confluence Effects Probability - junction points

38.   Drainage Area at confluence - Mainstem

39.   Drainage Area at confluence - Tributary

40.   Gradient at confluence - Mainstem

41.   Gradient at confluence - Tributary

42.   Length of Confluence Effects

43.   Skew of PDF of Sediment Yield

44.   Confluence Sediment Supply / Stream Power

45.   Confluence Sediment Supply Ratio

46.   Wood Accumulation Type

47.   LWD-single pieces_prob

48.   LWD-scattered accumulations_prob

49.   LWD-spanning and partial jams_prob

50.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Coho

51.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Steelhead

52.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Chinook

53.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Bull

54.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Chum

55.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Cutthroat

56.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Pink

57.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Resident

58.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential-Sockeye

59.   Habitat Intrinsic Potential

60.   Bull Trout_Prob

61.   Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Invasion/Isolation BBN)

62.   Westslope Cutthroat Trout (IP BBN)

63.   Floodplain Complexity

64.   Core Habitat Area

65.   Core Habitat Area-Bull

66.   Core Habitat Area-Chinook

67.   Core Habitat Area-Chum

68.   Core Habitat Area-Coho

69.   Core Habitat Area-Cutthroat

70.   Core Habitat Area-Pink

71.   Core Habitat Area-Resident

72.   Core Habitat Area-Sockeye

73.   Core Habitat Area-Steelhead

74.   Fish-Bearing

75.   Habitat Sensitivity

76.   Habitat Diversity

77.   Beaver Habitat

78.   Floodplain Quality

79.   Biological Hotspots

80.   Channel Disturbance Index

81.   Piscicide

82.   Hillslope Gradient

83.   Generic Erosion Potential Grid

84.   Generic Erosion Potential - segment scale

85.   Generic Erosion Potential - summed downstream

86.   Generic Erosion Potential Delivery Grid

87.   Generic Erosion Potential Delivery - segment scale

88.   Generic Erosion Potential Delivery - summed downstream

89.   Shallow Landslide Density Grid

90.   Shallow Landslide Density - segment scale

91.   Shallow Landslide Density - averaged downstream

92.   Shallow Landslide Delivery Grid

93.   Shallow Landslide Delivery - segment scale

94.   Shallow Landslide Delivery - averaged downstream

95.   Shallow Landslide Source Proportion

96.   Debris Flow Susceptibility-Reaches

97.   Debris Flow Susceptibility-Junctions

98.   Debris Flow Traversal Grid

99.   Traversal Proportion Grid

100.                        Source - Traversal Proportion Grid

101.                        Gully Erosion Grid

102.                        Gully Erosion - segment scale

103.                        Gully Erosion - summed downstream

104.                        WEPP Yield - t/km2/yr - Grid

105.                        WEPP Yield -  t/yr

106.                        WEPP Yield -  t/km2/yr -Cumulative

107.                        Post Fire Surf Erosion-segment scale

108.                        Post Fire Surf Erosion-averaged downstream

109.                        Local Sedimentation Potential

110.                        Cumulative Sedimentation Potential

111.                        Mod - Local Sedimentation Potential

112.                        Mod - Cumulative Sedimentation Potential

113.                        Sediment Supply Grid

114.                        Local Sediment Supply (SEDYLD)

115.                        Cumulative Sediment Supply (SEDYLD)

116.                        Mod -Generic Erosion Potential Grid

117.                        Mod - Generic Erosion Potential - segment scale

118.                        Mod - Generic Erosion Potential - summed downstream

119.                        Mod - Sediment Supply Grid

120.                        Mod - Local Sediment Supply (SEDYLD)

121.                        Mod - Cumulative Sediment Supply (SEDYLD)

122.                        Road Density / Basin

123.                        Road Length / Basin

124.                        Road Density / Segment

125.                        Road Density / Segment- left

126.                        Road Density / Segment- right

127.                        Road Density / Aggregated Upstream

128.                        Road Density / Aggregated Downstream

129.                        Road Crossing

130.                        Road Crossing Density

131.                        Road Crossing Count

132.                        Road Crossing Count / Segment

133.                        Road Crossing Count / Aggregated Upstream

134.                        Road Crossing Count / Aggregated Downstream

135.                        Road Diversion Length

136.                        Road Diversion Gradient

137.                        Road Surface Erosion Index

138.                        roadWEPP sediment production

139.                        roadWEPP sediment delivered to streams

140.                        roadWEPP sediment - in reaches

141.                        roadWEPP sediment - in reaches - summed

142.                        roadWEPP sediment production - summed (orig roads)

143.                        roadWEPP sediment delivery - summed (orig roads)

144.                        roadWEPP sediment production - per meter (orig roads)

145.                        roadWEPP sediment delivery - per meter (orig roads)

146.                        GRAIP Sediment Production

147.                        GRAIP Sediment Delivery

148.                        GRAIP Sediment Delivery to reaches

149.                        GRAIP Sediment Delivery to reaches - aggregated

150.                        GRAIP Sediment Production - summed (orig roads)

151.                        GRAIP Sediment Delivery - summed (orig roads)

152.                        GRAIP Sediment Production - per meter (orig roads)

153.                        GRAIP Sediment Delivery - per meter (orig roads)

154.                        Road Stability

155.                        Road Stability - summarized (orig roads)

156.                        Upstream Length above Road Xing

157.                        Upstream Mean Value above Road Xing

158.                        Upstream Summed Value above Road Xing

159.                        Debris Flow Wood Delivery Potential-Junctions

160.                        Debris Flow Wood Delivery Potential-Reaches

161.                        Solar Radiation: Bare Earth

162.                        Solar Radiation: Vegetated

163.                        Solar Radiation Difference: Vegetated - Bare Earth

164.                        Wildfire Probability-segment scale

165.                        Wildfire Probability-averaged downstream

166.                        Flamelength prediction-segment scale

167.                        Flamelength prediction-averaged downstream

168.                        Hist-2040 avg temp %chg-segment scale

169.                        Hist-2040 avg temp %chg-averaged downstream

170.                        Hist-2040 summer flow %chg-segment scale

171.                        Hist-2040 summer flow %chg-averaged downstream

172.                        Hist-2040 winter flow %chg-segment scale

173.                        Hist-2040 winter flow %chg-averaged downstream

174.                        Hist-2040 precip %chg-segment scale

175.                        Hist-2040 precip %chg-averaged downstream

176.                        Hist-2040 snow accum days %chg-segment scale

177.                        Hist-2040 snow accum days %chg-averaged downstream

178.                        Hist-2040 SWE ratio %chg-segment scale

179.                        Hist-2040 SWE ratio %chg-averaged downstream

180.                        Hist-2040 SWE maximum %chg-segment scale

181.                        Hist-2040 SWE maximum %chg-averaged downstream

182.                        S&R Channel Classification

183.                        S&R Channel Disturbance

184.                        S&R Core Area

185.                        S&R Debris Flow Susceptibility

186.                        S&R GEP

187.                        S&R HabQual/BioHotspots

188.                        S&R Hillslope Gradient

189.                        S&R IP_Bull

190.                        S&R IP_Chinook

191.                        S&R IP_Chum

192.                        S&R IP_Coho

193.                        S&R IP_Cuttroat

194.                        S&R IP_Resident

195.                        S&R Beaver Habitat

196.                        S&R IP_Steelhead

197.                        S&R Landslide

198.                        S&R Wood Delivery-Debris Flow