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License Cost

Annual Software Maintenance Fee for License Holders

NetMap's virtual watersheds and and tools are designed to put unprecedented analysis power into the hands of agencies, NGOs, universities, and private sector and at a cost designed to save money.

Why is maintenance needed?

NetMap analysis software (add-in in ArcGIS) requires continual maintenance to:

  • maintain a million lines of computer code
  • fix bugs
  • keep up with the constant ESRI ArcMap version upgrades (that require making upgrades in NetMap)
  • incorporate new digital data (such as DEMs)
  • improve existing tools, and
  • create new tools to keep abreast with evolving science.

NetMap requires a team of scientists and programmers to continually maintain and upgrade NetMap's tools and watershed databases.

Government agencies and NGOs do not fund software maintenace (read more). Thus, TerrainWorks licenses NetMap to provide bottom up funding for its long term sustainability.

A NetMap tool license comes with "NetMap as a Service". For others, a cost of NetMap annual licenses is tied to the number of users and the number of NetMap datasets (virtual watersheds) requested; the larger the number of users and number of datasets, the lower the license cost per user; our goal is to lower license fees to maximize access while maintaining the financial sustainability of the system. Learn about NetMap annual licenses.

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