Terrainworks Inc. is searching for a cloud-based computer programmer, part time or full time within a several-month period, to work with a small team of scientists and programmers to develop an online geospatial tool. The programmer should have experience with cloud computing such as Amazon EC2 or Google Cloud, and familiarity with Python and or Java. Specific tasks include creating and implementing programs that: i) accept input coordinates from a website-based (ArcGIS Online) map, ii) use the coordinates or polygons to extract delineated map products from a suite of existing shapefiles stored in the cloud, iii) create map figures with legends, scales and graphics overlays, and iv) insert map outputs into a pre-developed report format, using a set of cloud-based programs. Familiarity with ArcGIS Online is a plus; desktop GIS expertise not required. Work to start Spring 2019. Salary negotiable. Contact Dr. Lee Benda, leebenda@terrainworks.com