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Economic Efficiency

Watershed or landscape scale analyses involving GIS related services can be time consuming and expensive.

It's one thing to make maps using existing data. It is another to have science and GIS personnel create analyses involving river networks, fish habitats, floodplains, riparian zone processes, erosion potential, roads, wildfires and climate change.

Such analyses can take GIS staff months to years costing tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars (even for one project).

TerrainWorks one of a kind Virtual Watershed technology coupled to an advance suite of analysis tools (developed over 15 years) greatly cuts down on the time (and cost) required to conduct advanced analyses at the scale of watersheds, landscapes and even states. What would take someone weeks to months will take a few hours to a couple of days using TerrainWorks technologies.

In addition to an analysis itself that covers multi-discplinary topics and includes a rich array of attributes, TerrainWorks provides the full suite of analysis tools so that organizations can conduct their own analyses into the future. Tools are maintained by an optional modest annual subscription. See potential applications of the NetMap system.  Check out the comprehensive online support materials.

The price of a full NetMap analysis at the scale of watersheds (including custom virtual watersheds and tools) can be as low as $15,000 using the highest resolution digital data, including LiDAR.  We also build custom tools for clients. 

Contact us for a cost quote for projects of any scale. Our products, services & costs cannot be matched by any other private sector consultants, NGOs or universities.